Annually each Spring, LCBA Members elect ten(10) volunteer leaders to their executive Board of Directors. Each board members serves a minimum three(3) year service term.
- Types of Board Member. Specifically, the ten(10) member Board consists of: Four(4) Officers (i.e. President • President Elect • Treasurer • Secretary) -AND Six(6) Directors (aka “Members-at-Large”).
- Work Committees. Each board member carries out their work on the board through two committee types: (1) Standing (e.g. Programming • Engagement • Modernization) + (2) Ad Hoc (e.g. JARC Judicial Applicant Review Committee upon vacancy on the bench at Lane County Circuit Court)
- Board Liason to LCBA Practice Sections. Most board members serve as primary interface for ≤ one(1) LCBA Practice Sections, to provide practical support (e.g. funding requests).
- Board Meetings. Occur on the 1st Thursday monthly. Typically, the Board meets to discuss: (1) reports & status updates from Officers, Work Committee Chairs, Practice Section Liasons + (2) host of other administrative topics, issues and projects (per our bylaws HERE). Meeting minutes are viewable by members on an approx. one(1) month delay by clicking HERE.
Board service limited to Regular Members in good standing. If you are interested in nominating someone -OR- yourself to the LCBA Board of Directors, please email
2024-2025 Board Members

- 2024-25: Jinoo Hwang
- 2023-24: Felipe Alonso
- 2022-23: Amanda Husted
- 2021-22: Brad Litchfield
- 2020-21: Erin Fennerty
- 2019-20: Sebastian Tapia
- 2018-19: Todd Johnston
- 2017-18: Erin Gould
- 2016-17: KC Huffman
- 2015-16: Hon. Karrie K. McIntyre
- 2014-15: Hon. Mustafa Kasubhai
- 2013-14: Megan A. Livermore
- 2012-13: Hon. Valeri L. Love
- 2011-12: Jane Yates
- 2010-11: Kristie Gibson
- 2009-10: Matt Longtin
- 2008-09: Brian Thompson
- 2007-08: Murray Petitt
- 2006-07: Mindy Wittkop
- 2005-06: Marc Perrin
- 2004-05: John H. Kim
- 2003-04: Hon. Jack A. Billings
- 2002-03: Carolyn G. Wade
- 2001-02: Joel S. DeVore
- 2000-01: Thomas M. Orr
- 1999-2000: Hubert Duvall Jr.
- 1998-99: Merv Loya
- 1997-98: Marc D.Perrin
- 1996-97: Trina E. Laidlaw
- 1995-96: John C. Gartland
- 1994-95: Hon. Cynthia D. Carlson
- 1993-94: Charles D. Carlson
- 1992-93: Martha L. Walters
- 1991-92: Hon. David V. Brewer
- 1990-91: Rohn Roberts
- 1989-90: Frank C. Gibson
- 1988-89: Gary W. Ackley
- 1987-88: Mark W. Perrin
- 1986-87: Stephen J.R. Shepard
- 1985-86: Laura A. Parrish
- 1984-85: Richard W. Butler
- 1983-84: James Anderson
- 1982-83: Larry Thomas
- 1981-82: Hon. Laurie Smith
- 1980-81: Bruce H. Anderson
- 1979-80: Thomas E. Wurtz
- 1978-79: Leslie M. Swanson Jr.
- 1977-78: Jack A. Gardner
- 1976-77: Robert H. Fraser
- 1975: David N. Andrews
- 1974: Darst Alherly
- 1973: Jon A. Joseph
- 1972: Bill Frye
- 1971: Arthur C. Johnson
- 1970: Joe B. Richards
- 1969: Herb Lombard Jr.
- 1968: Lynn Moore
- 1967: Hon. George J. Woodrich
- 1966: Edward A. Butler
- 1965: Hon. F. Gordan Cottrell
- 1964: Hon. Edwin E. Allen
- 1963: Harold V. Johson Jr.
- 1962: John E. Jaqua
- 1961: Veron D. Gleaves
- 1960: Ben Johnson
- 1959: Richard Bryson
- 1958: Ralph F. Cobb
- 1957: Murray D. Agate
- 1956: N/A
- 1955: Sidney E. Carmichael
- 1954: N/A
- 1953: Herman P. Hendershott
- 1952: H.V. Johnson
- 1951: Hale G. Thompson
- 1950: John L. Luvaas
- 1949: William S. Fort
- 1948: Lewis F. Hoffman
- 1947: William W. Bartle
- 1946: Donald Husband
- 1945: N/A
- 1944: N/A
- 1943: Herb Lombard Sr.
- 1942: N/A
- 1941: N/A
- 1940: Winsor Calkins