Join the LCBA


Stay connected to all the latest local information & events in our legal community.  Whether you are a practicing attorney, an affiliate -OR- inactive OSB member, join or renew your LCBA membership today.


  • CLE Credit
    • Local Luncheons in Eugene (Discounted Meal + CLE)
    • Ad Hoc
      • per variety of individual LCBA Sections
      • occasionally via Zoom (e.g. out-of-state CLE speaker)
  • Seasonal Events (Discounted Admission)
  • Newsletter – The Bar News
    • Additional local CLE’s sponsored by non-LCBA community partners (e.g. Lane County Circuit Court, Oregon State Bar).
    • Variety of local announcements, job posts, office space, professional resources.
    • Article & content submission opportunities for publication to local legal community.
    • Calendar of local events.
  • Professional Connections
    • Collegiality: Ample opportunity to engage with attorneys, judges & legal professionals via:
      • LCBA-sponsored CLE events & Seasonal Socials
      • LCBA Section(s)
    • Leadership:  LCBA itself has several opportunities:
      • LCBA Section “Chairs” & workgroups coordinate socials, CLEs, other section-specific activities.
      • LCBA Board of Directors + Committees + Liaisons
      • JARC Judicial Applicant Review Committee (LCBA board members only)
    • Service
      • The LCBA collaborates with community partners to create ways for attorneys to give back (e.g. Lane County Circuit Court + UO Law + Legal Aid + OSB + non-profits).
      • Mentoring (e.g. individual law students; panel speaker for UO Law event)
      • Nomination to boards of directors @ local, state & national levels (via Professional Connections with fellow LCBA member)
      • Pro Bono (via Lane County Circuit Court, Legal Aid, UO Law Clinics)


Each year, LCBA annual membership period begins July 1 and ends June 30.
  • $75…..Regular Member (12 Month Membership)
  • $65…..Affiliate Member (Non-Attorney Licensed Professionals; Inactive OSB Members; Retired Judges; Owners of Commercial Service Providers to Legal Industry)
  • $40…..After January 1st (Partial Year Membership)


  • Option 1:  Register Online
      • Simply provide needed information and follow prompts at to debit/credit card payment page.
      • To pay for multiple members, you will eventually be prompted to:
        • “Add Another” -OR- if done
        • “Check Out”
  • Option 2:  Register by Check via Snail Mail
      • Check
        • Payee“LCBA”
        • Memo“LCBA Dues [OSB Bar #] “
      • Mail To
        • LCBA, PO Box 11379, Eugene, OR 97440
      • Additional Information 


Need Help? If you encounter issues email our web administrator at 

We look forward to seeing you at the next LCBA bar function!

Member information

You may sign up or renew multiple people at once. Enter the first person and then follow the instructions after you click "Next" below.

If you have an OSB#, it serves as your LCBA member number. If you are an affliate or student member, or have a bar number from another state, and you have been an LCBA number previously, you should have an LCBA# that begins with an "N". If you are joining for the first time as an affiliate or student, choose 'I do not have an OSB/LCBA number', and we will assign you one.

Membership type


I would like to serve on the following committees or participate in these sections (you may select more than one, but please do not indicate an interest unless you intend to attend meetings and participate in section activities):